Introducing LUTTAKA

March 12, 2024

We felt that 'Open Source Conference App' was quite a mouthful, so we've decided to give it a new name. In Faroese, 'At luttaka' means to participate, and that is exactly what we’re hoping people will do: Participate in events using LUTTAKA.

The app is rapidly evolving, with contributors from across continents joining in on the fun! We're thrilled to see the project gaining momentum, with features being added. Core functionalities like creating conferences and purchasing tickets are up and running

In addition to the name change, we're also hard at work updating the app's design. Our goal is to ensure that our users can navigate the app with ease. Regardless of if your conference is for sheep, people or other species

If you're eager to be part of a project like this, there's still time to contribute! 👀 Head over to GitHub to get started!

- Flowcore